The most special things are the things that don't really belong anywhere but here.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Hello, World. I’m not completely sure what this is, but I do know what it’s not. This is not my diary, or my commentary on the latest films, or my musings about politics, although I can’t promise that those things won’t peak their heads in here every now and then. What I really want this to be is a conversation. Here’s how it will work: I will share something that has crept into my mind, and then you share what you think. Will any of it be “important?” Well, I guess that depends on what you believe “important” means. All I can promise is that all of these conversation pieces will be special—the MOST special.

Sometimes, the posts may require us to reflect on our childhoods, our fashion sense, or they may involve Oprah-remembering-your-spirit type musings, but maybe not. We’ll see. Either way, we will all be writing and sharing ideas, which is the spice of life. Remember, it won’t work without you! So put on that thing next to your thinking cap—your almost thinking cap—and get ready.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. oops, I didn't mean to delete that up there. Looking forward to reading your blog!

  3. P.S. At first I thought that was a picture of Danielle, I guess she is part of your family after all.

  4. Are you saying I look ethnic in my Glamor Shot?

  5. I hope this also is NOT a replacement for our lists! I will be sending one tomorrow!
